We operate globally valuing
local peculiarities.


Smart Building and Smart Collaboration solution integrated with W@W Platform enabling liquid workforce organizations to navigate through Phygital spaces allowing employees to optimize their work-life balance gaining the freedom to choose their best working experience. The W@W Platform provide innovative tools both for the physical workplace optimization and safety and for the remote access of workplace resources in a secure, powerful and user friendly fashion.

W@W - Wellnes@Work

Platform enabling liquid workforce organizations to navigate through Phygital spaces allowing employees to optimize their work-life balance gaining the freedom to choose their best working experience. The W@W Platform provide innovative tools both for the physical workplace optimization and safety and for the remote access of workplace resources in a secure, powerful and user friendly fashion.

University Campus Bio-Medico - Students and Teachers App

Mobile application allowing students and teachers to access and manage in a safe and effective way all university resources. The application is providing as well several safety features required in the post-COVID-19 era.

University Campus Bio-Medico / Campus Innovation District - Phygital Dynamic Room

Future of education is here! Students and teachers are ready for new phygital education experiences. We designed and built an innovative Dynamic Education Room where students, teachers and guest speakers can choose their best educational experience sharing knowledge in a Phygital Augmented Space where all kind of resources can be put at disposal of different stakeholders leveraging the best collaboration technology powered by Cisco Webex.

University Campus Bio-Medico / Campus Innovation District - Digital Innovation Lab

Open Innovation is the only way to find solution to existing needs and to explore future needs anticipating solutions. We are building a full programmable API based lab enabling Proof of Concepts of solutions based on IoT, Networking, Cybersecurity, Multicloud, Applications and Artificial Intelligence. The Digital Innovation Lab will be at disposable of all the stakeholders and partners of the Campus Innovation District (University, Startups, Innovative Technology Vendors, big and medium Corporate Partners and mainly Enterprises expressing their innovative needs) in order to explore innovative solutions in areas such as Circular Economy, Digital Health, Smart Communities and building, Education Innovation.

CyberSecurity Digital Twin

Industry 4.0 and Digital Transformation is impacting every vertical sector. Things, processes and people are more and more connected through sensors and applications enabling new paradigms and new business models. So physical resources and infrastructures such as plants, buildings, means of transportations communicate with people and processes mixing traditional Operation Technology (OT) with Information Technology (IT) once completely separated. This innovation is opening collaboration within the same company among different departments and outside the company along the supply chain. At the same time this is also opening new potential security breaches that needs to be managed. We are developing a Digital Twin platform that can simulate complex OT-IT environments allowing cybersecurity prevention, training, management and reaction reducing risk and maximizing asset production.